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Struggling with PCOD / PCOS?

Root Cause Analysis

Confirming the Root Cause is of utmost importance. Doctors Diagnose PCOS, if two of the three main symptoms are confirmed — high androgen levels, irregular periods, and cysts in the ovaries. A pelvic exam, blood tests, and ultrasound further confirm the diagnosis.

Fixing Deficiencies

Proper Nutrition for your body automatically aids in the improvement of the condition. Improved Cholesterol, and Lower Insulin, are the key focus areas of the Customised Diet Chart for PCOD.

Cleanse - In & Out

Just about any diet wont cut it, unless body's metabolism isn't right. An Internal Cleanse is an absolute must before starting adopting a diet program. Detoxification will also soon show up on the skin as well.

Balanced Meals

A Low Glycemic Index (low GI) diet that gets most carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains helps regulate the menstrual cycle and remains the key focus in creating a customized diet.

Improved Gut Health

Disturbed gut microbiome is the main root cause of more than 70% Diseases & if food breakdown to absorption is good we can manage our weight well without excessive exercise or diet.

Weight Loss

Losing just 5 to 10 percent of your body weight if you’re overweight can help improve your symptoms. Fat Loss has a positive spill-over effect on other symptoms of PCOS as well.

PCOD (Polycystic Ovarian Disease) is mostly caused by a combination of hormonal imbalance and genetic tendencies. In a standard menstrual cycle, the two ovaries will alternately release mature, ready-to-be-fertilized eggs each month. For someone with PCOD, however, the ovaries will often release either immature or only partially-mature eggs, which can go on to develop into cysts(little sacs filled with liquid).

This also leads to the ovaries swelling and becoming enlarged. Generally, the ovaries release a limited amount of androgens (male hormones) during the cycle - but in this case, the ovaries will start producing androgens in excess, which leads to symptoms like male pattern hair loss, abdominal weight gain, irregular periods, and in some extreme cases, even infertility.


There is no set ‘cure’ as such for PCOD, but one of the best ways to manage it is by introducing changes in your lifestyle (after having consulted professionals, of course: your gynecologist, an endocrinologist and a dietician, preferably). Exercising and maintaining a healthy diet (low on sugars and carbohydrates, high on protein and fiber) are the most effective ways to get your PCOD under control. This also cuts out some of the weight gain, which is very helpful, as even a 5% reduction in weight eases treatment considerably.


PCOS, Though it may sound similar enough, PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a bit different from PCOD. In PCOD the ovaries start releasing immature eggs that lead to hormonal imbalances and swollen ovaries, among other symptoms; while in PCOS, endocrine issues cause the ovaries to produce excess androgens, which makes eggs prone to become cysts. These cysts won’t, however, be released like in PCOD - rather they build up in the ovaries themselves.




First and foremost, PCOS is usually considered a more serious condition. PCOD can often be managed just by making informed lifestyle changes, and may not even require further medical treatment at all. PCOS however is a disorder of the endocrine system - it has more threatening implications and its treatment almost always requires external hormone intake.


Along with that, PCOD is also far more common, at least in women. About one-third of all menstruating women around the globe have PCOD. PCOS is not that common - though it isn’t rare either. According to a recent study conducted in Southern India and Maharashtra, about 9.13% of menstruating women in those regions suffer from PCOS, while 22.5% have PCOD.

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